16 research outputs found

    Batik Artisans Empowerment Model through Customer Relationship Management Approach Based on Information Technology

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    Business people trying to create a customer loyalty that customers remain loyal to products that have been used so far. Customer Relationship Management is a consumer behaviour modification and learning all the time and every interaction, treatment of customers and build strength between consumers and companies. Business strategy by using Customer Relationship Management related to a lot of other business strategies such as technology and relationship benefits. Technology Acceptance Model or results provide information about the interests and behaviour of users in the system receiving the information technology systems is one of the key factor of successful using technology in order to increase the sales. This study is to analyse the marketing strategy of the batik industry around several location in East Java, Indonesia. The key purpose of this study is to identify and creating a new hybrid model which can help the batik SMEs to increase their sales through online purchasing using a right marketing strategy. Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing strateg


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    Penelitian ini menguji ekuitas merek, kualitas produk dan penjualan perorangan secara simultan dan parsial terhadap keputusan pembelian serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang dominan antara ekuitas merek, kualitas produk dan penjualan perorangan terhadap keputusan pembelian, menggunakan sampel 80 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh secara simultan dan signifikan ekuitas merek, kualitas produk dan penjualan perorangan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh secara parsial dan signifikan ekuitas merek, kualitas produk dan penjualan perorangan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Selain itu diketahui bahwa variabel ekuitas merek berpengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Kata Kunci : Ekuitas Merek, Kualitas Produk, Penjualan Perorangan, Keputusan Pembelia

    Quality of product, service, and delivery affect consumer perceptions in determining online store ratings

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    This study is a quantitative study that aims to determine and analyze whether 3 quality perspectives namely product quality, service quality and delivery quality affect consumer perceptions in rating online stores. The purpose of this study is to find out how consumers rate online stores from three points of view, namely the point of view of product quality, delivery quality, and from the point of view of service quality. This study is located in Surabaya and took a sample of 70 respondents with the provisions of doing online shopping as much as 5 times in the last 1 month. After fulfilling the validity and reliability test, then doing hypothesis testing using the F test and t-test. The results showed that 3 quality perspectives, namely product quality, service quality, and delivery quality either partially or simultaneously had a significant effect on consumer perceptions in determining online store ratings. In addition to building a store image, giving a high rating from consumers will also increase sales turnover which will have an impact on increasing online store profits

    Batik Standardization as Batik Artisan Empowerment Model For Marketing Process

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    The purpose of this study is to produce batik standardization as an empowerment model addressed to batik ARTISAN as individuals, and / or business entities for the marketing / trading process. This was triggered by the existence of the ASEAN free market in 2015 which resulted in the deccreasing of Indonesian batik marketing; there were lots of Indonesians who do not know the quality of Batik Cloth; lack of supervision by the Indonesian government of sales behavior; the shortcome of Indonesia Trade Law. The problem in this research is how to make The Model of Batik Standardization for the empowerment of Batik ARTISAN marketing, either individuals, and / or business entities. In order to solve this problem the method used is descriptive qualitative method and direct practice. Data was obtained through observation in the field / direct practice), in-depth observations, and literature studies and internet sources. The results of this study are that every batik cloth sold must be labeled "batik-INDONESIA", Indonesian government supervision of the marketing process should be carried out continuously, hence; there should be a control and enforcement of Indonesia's trade law. This research is expected to produce a batik standardization model for marketing empowerment so that batik ARTISAN in Indonesia, both as individuals, and / or business entities can carry out batik production and marketing smoothly. Keywords: SNI Batik, Standardization, Marketing DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-27-05 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Pengrajin Batik Gedog Di Kerek Tuban Masa New Normal

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    Batik Gedog pembatikannya menggunakan pewarna alam menjadikan batik Gedog terlihat eksotis dan tidak bisa disamai oleh batik lainnya. Sayangnya keunggulan dan daya tarik batik gedog ini belum dibarengi dengan kesadaran penggunaan merek oleh beberapa pengrajin batik gedog di Tuban dalam memasarkan produknya belum semuanya menggunakan merek, pemasaran mereka masih sederhana menunggu konsumen datang, bahkan dalam pengaturan usaha masih dilakukan seadanya. Pada kesempatan ini tim pengabdian mengidentifikasi permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dan mitra menyambut dengan semangat untuk dilakukan solusi agar terjadi peningkatan perekonomian para pengrajin dan peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah pula.Metode:studi pustaka, observasi, pendampingan, pelatihan, monitoring dan evaluasi di lapangan pada mitra dan kelompok pengrajin batik lainnya berkaitan dengan pentingnya merek, e-marketing dan pengetahuan manajemen. Bidang kepakaran tim pengabdi: manajemen pemasaran, manajemen keuangan, teknik lingkungan. Dengan program pengabdian ini pengrajin memiliki merek masing-masing, menghadapi era digital 4.0 yang semakin kompetitif dalam dunia usaha pemasaran secara online terbukti dapat mendongkrak penjualan, aktivitas usaha mitra dapat mengetrapkan ilmu manajemen antara lain adanya keteraturan pembukuan keuangan. Para pengrajin menyambut baik program pengabdian ini dan selalu aktif mengikuti pelatihan dan pendampingan penuh semangat dengan pelaksanaan prokes pada masa new normal


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    Batik telah ditetapkan UNESCO  sebagai warisan kemanusiaan untuk budaya lisan dan nonbendawi. Kota Tuban merupakan salah satu kota di Jawa Timur yang menghasilkan produk unggulan berupa batik gedog. Melalui Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah (PPPUD) ingin dilakukan sebuah program pemberdayaan pengrajin batik gedog di Tuban. Program ini memberikan alternatif solusi berupa penguatan fungsi operasional pada UD. Batik “Lestari Arts”. Program penguatan fungsi operasional yang dilakukan berfokus pada tiga hal utama yaitu peningkatan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia, perbaikan fungsi manajemen operasional keuangan dan pajak melalui penyusunan standar operasional prosedur dan yang terakhir analisis dan mitigasi resiko, Dengan dilaksanakannya program ini diharapkan UD. Batik “Lestari Arts” mampu meningkatkan kapasitas dan optimasi proses produksi batik tulis berbahan dari primis maupun tenun gedo

    Empowerment of “Terasi Rebon” Seafood Processed Industry Craftsmen for the Development of Leading Potential for Highly Competitive Coastal Areas in Tuban, East Java

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    One of the superior products from processed sea fish in the famous Tuban coastal area is Terasi. Regional Superior Product Development Program (PPPUD) entitled Empowerment of Processed Sea Product Industry Craftsmen “Terasi Rebon” for the Development of Leading Potential for Highly Competitive Coastal Areas in Tuban, East Java. The problem with partners in terms of production in individual companies is the strengthening of production. So far, operational activities have not been carried out in a professional manner, still with a family system and there is no variety of flavors and packaging, so it is necessary to strengthen the operational management functions which include marketing, finance and tax management, information, human resources and production. For product development, partners need to innovate and be creative with flavor variants and packaging of rebon shrimp paste. Individual partner companies in marketing their products are done in a conventional way so that marketing is still limited around the East Java area. SOLUTIONS to this community service program are: Improving the quality, energy efficiency and processing time of rebon shrimp paste production through the design of the "Tray dryer" machine as a bamboo and shrimp paste dryer, increasing knowledge and ability in scientific management operational functions which include marketing management to maintain stability and business development partner individual companies need to innovate and create flavors and packaging of rebon shrimp paste product development, financial and tax management, information and human resources by opening a store. Design and update product information through e-commerce in order to expand the market. Prepare business and product standardization

    Healthy Cookies Fortification of Fish Meal as an Effort to Diversify Post-Harvest Processing of Fishery Products to Increase the Economic Value of Fishermen

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    This study aims to determine the most preferred healthy cookies after the addition of fish meal which was given different treatment. The research method uses a quasi-experimental research design (quasi-experimental) which is a nonequivalent control group design. This nonequivalent control group design study consisted of four intervention groups and one control group. The intervention group was the group that was given additional treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% fish meal. The control group was the group that was not given additional fish meal. The results showed that there was an effect of adding fish meal on the manufacture of healthy cookies in terms of organoleptic tests which included taste, color, aroma, and texture, had the effect of adding fish meal in terms of color and aroma, while in terms of taste and texture there was no effect of adding fish flour. The level of consumer acceptance of healthy cookies fish flour in terms of organoleptic tests includes consumer acceptance, with the highest level of liking for healthy cookies X2 and healthy cookies X1, then in the liking level position there are oatmeal cookies X0, while healthy cookies X3 and X4 get the position dislike level. The total nutritional value of fiber content in fish meal cookies proves good results, it can be concluded that the more the proportion of fish meal added to healthy cookies, the higher the nutritional value. Keywords: healthy food, fish meals, empowerment, economic changes DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-20-04 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Inovasi Pengrajin Racikan Biji Kopi “REMPAH” Healthy Herbal Dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi Berbasis Santripreneur

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    Kopi adalah minuman hasil seduhan biji kopi yang telah disangrai dan dihaluskan menjadi bubuk.  Merupakan salah satu komoditas di dunia yang dibudidayakan lebih dari 50 negara. Dua varietas pohon kopi yang dikenal secara umum yaitu Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) dan Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica). Salah satu binaan PBI yang merintis bisnis melalui pengolahan biji kopi dan membuat kafe kopi “Antara Kita Coffee Everything” keistimewaannya owner adalah alumni ITS dari beberapa angkatan dan pondok pesantren. Karena masih skala kecil untuk permodalan masih menggunakan modal pribadi, Untuk pengenalan produk melalui pameran baik yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah maupun asosiasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu dilaksanakannya serah terima mesin grinder kepada mitra, dengan tujuan meningkatnya omset serta menambah gerai, karyawan, dan jejaring

    Community Service Programs for Serundeng and Marine Fish Chili Crafts Community with Local Expertise to Encourage Entrepreneurial Innovation and Competitiveness in Kenjeran, Surabaya

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    Community service programs based on science and technology as a medium for mentoring prospective entrepreneurs in Rangkah district. Tambak Sari Kenjeran Surabaya, East Java. As partners are craftsmen of Various srundeng and sambal and young people who have connections as entrepreneurs from various groups in the target areas of the activity. The problem faced is that all this time the roasting process of srundeng and sambal sprinkles uses the conventional method, namely by using a frying pan that contains oil so it is unhealthy because it causes cholesterol and easily changes aroma. In carrying out the business activities of making srundeng and sambal sprinkled with sea fish, partners have not applied science and technology as well as potential entrepreneur partners. Many young people from various backgrounds in Rangkah Kenjeran Surabaya which has links as entrepreneurs but no one has yet facilitated assistance. As a solution for this community service program is to use a roaster with a capacity of 15kg / hour with dimensions specifications: 133x63x110cm, fuel: LPQ, 450watt electricity, 220v, to increase production capacity. Second, given training in mentoring concept knowledge and understanding of socio-spiritual and technological insight into marketing activities. Furthermore, providing training on creativity and innovation in the manufacture of products from marine fish from the Kenjeran coastal area to activity partners. The methods of implementation are (1) design, build, maintenance and use of roaster machines (2) training, practice, and assistance to increase conceptual competence and understanding of social and spiritual marketing for partners. (3) Training, practice, and mentoring transmit the mindset and behavior of an entrepreneur to students so that they behave and be entrepreneurial for partners. The results of this activity show a positive impact in improving the quality of partner products and increasing understanding, especially in entrepreneurship in improving their business going forward